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November Newsletter

Happy November!

With the twinkle of holidays on the horizon, there's much ahead to celebrate. We also have some wisdom to share: Regardless of the election’s outcome, we highly encourage you to follow national healthcare news so you can plan for any shifts that may transpire and directly affect you or your loved ones.

Polypharmacy is a critical health topic we hope to bring into focus for you today, particularly amid the complexities of medication adherence and rising medication costs.

Polypharmacy—defined as the use of five or more medications—is increasingly common among older adults who manage multiple chronic conditions. While medications are crucial to managing conditions, polypharmacy introduces its own challenges, such as increased risks of adverse reactions, drug interactions, and even cognitive decline. The fact that more than half (https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/nearly-7-in-10-americans-take-prescription-drugs-mayo-clinic-olmsted-medical-center-find/#:~:text=%E2%80%94%20Nearly%2070%20percent%20of%20Americans,Olmsted%20Medical%20Center%20researchers%20say.) of the American population takes two or more prescribed medications daily underscores the importance of ensuring patients and caregivers fully understand each medication's purpose and potential side effects. Additionally, more than 70% of physician visits involve prescribing drug therapy, however, the conversation often stops there,
with little to no follow-up or personalized research into the patient’s prescriptions and their response. At Nursing Liaisons, we’re working to bridge that gap with a personalized polypharmaceutical approach. We serve clients upstream in order to reduce interactions and adverse reactions, as well as mid-stream to monitor response to treatments and advocate for a shift of prescriptions when called for.

Let’s think about this in terms of our financial health, too. In the U.S., the financial burden of medications is significant, with average per capita spending reaching $1,432 in 2021. Although prescription spending saw a slight dip last year, the overall trend remains high, representing nearly 9% of total health expenses. For older adults, especially those on fixed incomes, these costs can be a substantial stressor.

At Nursing Liaisons, we focus on both the educational and practical aspects of medication adherence, recognizing its critical importance in health management. If you're interested, we can discuss additional strategies for supporting patients with their medication routines or explore other aspects of patient care. Additionally, our skilled nurse coaches are available to assist you and your loved ones in implementing lifestyle changes—such as improvements in diet, exercise, and overall wellness—that may help reduce reliance on medications over time.

Medicine Reconciliation & RN Consulting Services

Parallel to polypharmacy, adherence also remains a persistent challenge for many. Have you ever not completed a course of treatment or forgotten your morning pills? You’re not alone. More than 50% of patients don’t take medications as prescribed. Nonadherence stems from factors like patient beliefs, motivation, or, for older adults, challenges related to memory or managing complex medication schedules. For healthcare professionals, medication reviews, patient education, and even deprescribing when appropriate are vital steps in mitigating the risks associated with polypharmacy.

In that spirit, we have a New Year goal for you! When you schedule your next annual primary care visit, inform your provider that you plan to review a comprehensive list of your medications during your care visit. Ask your doctor for their insights into potential drug interactions and streamlining treatment plans. This personal healthcare advocacy could also segue into encouraging collaboration among specialists, with the primary care provider acting as a central coordinator to ensure your overall regimen is safe and effective. This approach can also help identify unnecessary medications or those that might be managed through lifestyle adjustments, aligning with wellness and medication compliance.

We’re committed to helping you manage medications safely and effectively while supporting your overall wellness. Contact us today if we can help you or a loved one.

Medicine Reconciliation & RN Consulting Services

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Stay well, stay active, and enjoy the season!


Lisa & Ellie, Cofounders
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